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Nova edição
Journal of Oral Science & Rehabilitation No. 1, 2019
Cover / Editorial / Content / About the Journal of Oral Science & Rehabilitation / New perspectives in periapical surgery: Ostectomy and osteotomy / Prevalence of oral lesions among patients in the dental faculty of the University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain / Subscribe Now! / Does the cleaning method after air abrasion with different particles affect the zirconia bond strength? / Periapical surgery with a new retrograde root canal filling material: Tricalcium silicate cement / Industry news / Guidelines for authors / Imprint /
01 - 01 -
03 - 03 -
04 - 04 -
About the Journal of Oral Science & Rehabilitation
06 - 07 -
New perspectives in periapical surgery: Ostectomy and osteotomy
08 - 17 -
Prevalence of oral lesions among patients in the dental faculty of the University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain
18 - 24 -
Subscribe Now!
25 - 25 -
Does the cleaning method after air abrasion with different particles affect the zirconia bond strength?
26 - 33 -
Periapical surgery with a new retrograde root canal filling material: Tricalcium silicate cement
34 - 41 -
Industry news
42 - 42 -
Guidelines for authors
44 - 45 -
46 - 46