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ACTEON - imaging systems
X-MIND TRIUM is a 3-in-1 extraoral imaging device, it adapts to the growing needs of dental offices by pairing 2D panoramic with 3D imaging and digital cephalometric analysis. The TRUE LOW DOSE ...
Le système X-MIND TRIUM true Low Dose est un orthopantomographe numérique qui permet au dentiste d'effectuer différents types de radiographies panoramiques, céphalométriques et CBCT dentaires. ...
ACTEON – X-Mind prime
Simple is the New Smart ! Today, the use of a multi-function imaging system blending 2D panoramic, cephalometric and CBCT imaging is essential in any dental procedure. The support of diagnostic CBCT ...
Visual examination is the first stage in diagnosis. So mirrors quickly became essential in dentistry as the practitioner's third eye. Knowing that in the oral cavity, dentists work with indirect ...
Intra-oral dental radiography is an everyday procedure in a dental practice. The emergence of minimally invasive dentistry and the increasing demands of patients related to the boom in new ...
ACTEON – PRODONT (Manual Instrumentation)
Hand instruments support dentists in their daily practice. ACTEON designed and manufacture hand instruments to be the extension of the practitioner's hand and provide the best tactile feedback. ...