cone beam international No. 1, 2015 - Dental Tribune E-Paper

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cone beam international No. 1, 2015

Nova edição

cone beam international No. 1, 2015

Cover / Editorial / Content / Improved CBCT diagnostic acuity with the ‘Lip-Lift’ technique / The use of existing locators to stabilize a CBCT-software derived surgical guide / Restorative-driven implant therapy / Contribution of CBCT and CAD/CAM technology to implant-supported screw-retained restorations / Supernumerary teeth: Diagnosis and treatment / Forensic odontology— Broader than just identification / 3-D imaging: increasing implant accuracy / Pioneering Planmeca Ultra Low Dose protocol / X-Mind trium: 3 in 1 extra-oral imaging for all your 3-D requirements / MIS Implants Technologies launches MCENTER Europe - new digital dentistry hub in Berlin / International Events / Submission guidelines / Imprint /
