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Nova edição
Journal of Oral Science & Rehabilitation No. 2, 2017
Cover / Editorial / Contents / About the Journal of Oral Science & Rehabilitation / Use of argon plasma to enhance softtissue integration of prosthetic components: a randomized - controlled animal study / Dentin hypersensitivity: a state-of-the-art and novel approach with ozone therapy / Success - survival and failure rates of dental implants: a cross-sectional study / Implant rehabilitation of extremely atrophic mandibles (Cawood and Howell Class VI) with a fixed-removable solution supported by four implants: one-year results from a preliminary prospective case series study / Kinesiographic evaluation of patients under orthodontic treatment with or without tooth extraction / Two implants supporting a mandibular over denture to rehabilitate Cawood and Howell Class V and VI patients: a proof-of-concept study / Authors must adhere to the following guidelines / Imprint /
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About the Journal of Oral Science & Rehabilitation
06 - 07 -
Use of argon plasma to enhance softtissue integration of prosthetic components: a randomized - controlled animal study
08 - 15 -
Dentin hypersensitivity: a state-of-the-art and novel approach with ozone therapy
16 - 23 -
Success - survival and failure rates of dental implants: a cross-sectional study
24 - 31 -
Implant rehabilitation of extremely atrophic mandibles (Cawood and Howell Class VI) with a fixed-removable solution supported by four implants: one-year results from a preliminary prospective case series study
32 - 40 -
Kinesiographic evaluation of patients under orthodontic treatment with or without tooth extraction
42 - 51 -
Two implants supporting a mandibular over denture to rehabilitate Cawood and Howell Class V and VI patients: a proof-of-concept study
52 - 59 -
Authors must adhere to the following guidelines
60 - 61 -
62 - 62