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Nova edição
DT Asia Pacific
Dentine re-growth moves forward / News / International News / Business news / A positive alternative for needle phobic dental patients / “National health policy is changing in Japan”An interview with Makoto Nakao - president and CEO of the GC Corporation / Business News / Trends & Applications News / “Communication and networking is what a biofilm does”An interview with microbiologist Professor John G. Thomas - USA - about the latest revelations on oral microbes / Cross-infection control / Metal-ceramic—familiar and yet different / Staff promotion: Is ‘potential’ enough? / Singapore hosted largest dental show ever / APDF Newsletter 2/08 / World Dental Communiqué 2/08 /
Dentine re-growth moves forward
01 - 01 -
02 - 04 -
International News
05 - 06 -
Business news
09 - 09 -
A positive alternative for needle phobic dental patients
10 - 10 -
“National health policy is changing in Japan”An interview with Makoto Nakao - president and CEO of the GC Corporation
12 - 12 -
Business News
14 - 16 -
Trends & Applications News
17 - 17 -
“Communication and networking is what a biofilm does”An interview with microbiologist Professor John G. Thomas - USA - about the latest revelations on oral microbes
18 - 19 -
Cross-infection control
20 - 21 -
Metal-ceramic—familiar and yet different
22 - 22 -
Staff promotion: Is ‘potential’ enough?
24 - 24 -
Singapore hosted largest dental show ever
26 - 26 -
APDF Newsletter 2/08
27 - 30 -
World Dental Communiqué 2/08
Extra -